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Edmonton Sun & Leading Sunpapers across the Globe

"To say I am amazed is not saying enough. An article done by Matt Dysktra which was posted in the Edmonton Sun and then picked up by News stands across Canada and even other parts of the world was tremendous. Thank-You Matt ".

"I think it is sad to see so many judge a person because of their color, background, or circumstance and for me to be able to give at least one person a voice then that makes me smile a brillant smile that warms me from the inside. Thank-You for the people who beleive in my endeavor and have allowed me to reach such heights".

Here is the link to the article that once again went viral landing in newspapers around the world.

"Its once again as I have said before , one person that beleives in spreading a message that can help so many. I never realized I was the 1st Hells Angel woman to come forward and share her personal experience, it has been overwhelming but to have connected with so many people has made it all worth it. The demand for my book has broke records and garnered attention from many , I am just truly grateful. Thank-You!"

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