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Lets Together Prevent another Innocent Person from Suffering


" Lets together, as a world, help lift these labels off our children , teenagers as well as adults and give them hope for a brighter future by spreading awareness . Using my voice and who I was, to share the detrimental impact of certain lifestyles and choices".

                         Kerri Krysko

It takes an individual who has been there, to make a Dramatic, Powerful, Impact & Difference In all Our Communties, Schools, and in our World " 


What would be more Captaviating to a Vast Audience of Youth & People, then someone who has lived it and survived......  Someone who was who I was, but most of all who I am now , a person, a woman and a survivor.....


" All of us fall victim to the promises of others, to a dream of forever, with the thought of eternal bliss and perhaps the friendship of family- Often times when we make the wrong turn, or trust to easliy, we make ourselves a slave to our personal misfortunes and mistakes. We beat ourselves up endlessly, never truly forgiving our own brutal misjudgements , therefore never truly learning how to move forward- WE as people are our worst critics and our own worst enemies; for if you learn to Accept & Forgive yourself of a mistake , a promise and even a dream that never came to fruition , you allow the NEW that is standing on your doorstep to come in " We all make mistakes , no matter rich or poor, we are us as people learning to take our own individual steps each and everyday.


To Book , at your Event , School or Corporate Organization and Programs, please use contact page , bookings form or contact


"I can honestly say , it takes someone who has been there to understand the diversities of life. I was lucky I found that person to be a shoulder I COULD unleash my own personal burdens and pain ON.Don't let another day go by, that you or someone you know, might need that same special someone, as I had who actually understands.....and doesn't judge...."  

- Kerri Krysko


Lets Together prevent another innocent person from suffering.


"I have had the pleasure of meeting a wonderful caring individual who is a anti bullying activist out of Chicago , her name is Kathleen Patel and if for any speaking engagements you would like a few ladies to attend please do not hesitate to address that in your e-mail inquiry. She is another who fell victim to ostrasium while she was young and made it her mission to help others".  Kathleen Patel



  • Addiction

  • Rape

  • Gang Violence

  • Domestic Violence

  • Abuse

  • Cyber-Bullying

  • Paths + Choices

  • Relationships

  • Advice + Support


I offer phone consulations and one on one support. My rates are to be determined by request and duration of time needed. 


Phone Calls 


 30-45 minute                $100.00

 1Hour                            $150.00


Speaking engagements for your school, seminar or event are to be determined by state or province and travel. Please inquire.




                    Book Now, by using the contact form below.



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All services can be paid by Credit Card , Certified Cheque or Paypal. Determined individually and by e-mail consultation first.

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                                                     PO # 118 800-15355 24 Ave Surrey, BC V4B 2H9                                                                                                                 


                                  *Be advised that due to high volumes of mail, it will take 8-12wks for a response through postal*



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